Sunday, December 6, 2009

My question is removed (violation of Community Guidelines) . Details inside. What is your opinion?

My question "Can a man-prostitute with a real vagina give the same sexual satisfaction as a woman-prostitute?" is deleted from Yahoo! Answers "Gender %26amp; Women's Studies" section.

This is a serious question not in violation of Community Guidelines or Terms of Service.

This question is also on a topic on which serious research is being done in Women鈥檚 Studies field because, apparently there seems to be a complete absence of sex-workers who are male, working for the hetro-sexual males in various cultures of the world, though there are a number of adult products and instruments available.

Since there are a lot of male sex workers for homo-sexual men, it seems either the absense of "real vagina" or "feminine" qualities in a male sex worker is preventing this from becoming a blooming business for hetro-sexual men.

Your views on removing this question from Yahoo Answers is sought.


My question is removed (violation of Community Guidelines) . Details inside. What is your opinion? picture

Your question seems to be legitimately motivated, and isn't gratuitously sexual--more clinical, really, so I'm guessing it was taken down just on the basis of the subject matter itself. I don't think it should have been removed, but I'm not surprised that it was.

As an aside, I think there are some basic problems within the question itself. How can a man possibly have a "real vagina," and why would a heterosexual male pay to have sex with another man?

My question is removed (violation of Community Guidelines) . Details inside. What is your opinion?layouts for myspace

I wouldn't have answered it because I really don't know but I suppose you do have a point. It just souds a little harsh for younger people on the web.
I would take is as being a violation under 'adult content' because, as Pacito says, there are a lot of quite young people here, and there are other adult forums and message boards for discussions about sexuality issues.
Well, let me tell you how it is. Anybody who wants to can hit the report button. An individual hitting the report button has no burden of proof whatsoever. The individual being reported has no right to a trial or hearing nor any opportunity even to beg forgiveness (if he really needs to). Once reported, at a minimum, you are docked 10 points and your post is removed, although your punishment may be worse at the discretion of the admins. There is absolutely nothing that can be done about the Orwellian kangaroo court system that exists on Yahoo! Answers.
Personally I find your question offensive. What has Gender and Women's studies have to do with any person who is selling sex? NOTHING.

A heterosexual male having sex with a man with a fake ????? Are you out of your MIND?

Also, even clinically posed questions can be luring to children. You know, get them used to talking about sex to and adult on-line.

Maybe YA should open up another section just for you.
if you disagree with a violation notice - ask for further clarification from y!a complaints.

i have had several violations rescinded: the board moderators looked at my posting history, realised that i don't post gratuitously offensive material simply to draw attention to myself, and reinstated what i had posted.

if you can convince them that you are of similarly good character it will work just as well for you.

If you go to a community college....??

If I go to a community college, would I transfer to a university and become a junior there or start over and become a freshman in college???

If you go to a community college....??pimp myspace

It depends on how many credits the university accepts in transfer from your community college (CC). Your class standing is determined by the amount of credits you have earned and because you will be using credits from your CC to fulfill your degree requirements at the university, the total amount of credits they accept will determine your class standing. Most likely you will be at least a sophomore or a junior. Talk to either an admissions counselor at the university or your academic adviser at your CC to determine how many credits will transfer towards your bachelor's degree.

Best wishes!

If you go to a community college....??stars myspace

You'd become a junior.
transfer and cheaper
Not really a freshman or junior, just a transfer.

Can i go to a community college and become a orthodonist?

I want to be a orthodonist and i will be graduating this june. but i want to take a year off first. but can i become a orthodonist by going to a community college or do i really have to go to a university or trade school? how long will it take me to become one?

Can i go to a community college and become a orthodonist?graphics for myspace

No, you can't. You can start at a community college and take some general curriculum classes but then you will have to go to a university then to a dentist school.

Can i go to a community college and become a orthodonist?myspace tweaks

No, you can't get a degree in orthodontics at a community college. Although you could get a degree as a dental hygenist.

Orthodontists have a 4-year college degree and an additional 2 to 3 years of specialty training at a orthodontics school or hospital. So it's 6-7 years of work, not 2.
You can start off at community college, but you would have to transfer to a university to finish your undergraduate studies; majoring in either nursing or pre-med is a good choice for your bachelors degree. Then after completing your undergraduate studies, you must apply to a graduate school with a dental program and attain your DDS (Doctor of Dental Science), this takes at least 4 years. After that you must take a certification test. Lastly, you would have to complete a 2 to 3 year residency program accredited by the ADA of advanced education in orthodontics. Overall, to become an orthodonist it'll take 10-11 years of schooling. However, if you're truly committed to becoming one, it shouldn't be a problem. Good luck.
You can fufill your pre-med requirements at a CC and transfer to a university that has endodontics.

How do you like our Parenting Community website?

We'd love for parents, soon to be parents, and trying to be parents all come and see how they like it!

How do you like our Parenting Community website?

I liked it and I registered. I love how you have classifieds and I love the cookbook idea. When will it be for sale?

The only thing I didn't like too much was the layout of the page. The big banners on the top of every page need to be smaller and towards the bottom on every page except the home page.

Great Page!!!

How do you like our Parenting Community website?band myspace

Some of it sounded interesting but overall I didn't like it. There was just too much there. I also don't think sexual discussions fit well on a family board.

I need some information on how to become a community coordinator.?

I am from a very small community. There is not much going on. The kids and adults don't have anything to do...Especially during the summer. I have always wanted to make a difference in my community. But I don't know where to start or who to talk to or how am I going to get the funds...But I do know what I want to do.

I need some information on how to become a community coordinator.?maps

First, what do you want to do? Build a major league stadium, it isn't going to happen. Have regular pickup baseball games, you can do it tomorrow. There is no school for coordinating. It mainly consists of enthusiasm. If there is something you want to do, start doing it. You have to have a plan - how is it going to work. How many people do you need TO START. You may want to have everyone involved but start small, it is the way of the world. Dell Computer started in a dorm room closet. Once you have your plan, AND YOUR ENTHUSIASM, find people who want to join you in your activity. Try to do it as cheaply as possible. You don't need new stuff, most programs start with old or discarded stuff. When we started the radio station at my college, we used the equipment that one of the commercial stations was going to throw out. It worked fine for us. You're not competing - just get the absolutely minimum you need. If things go well, it will grow. So, decide what stuff you need, and where to get it cheap or for free. Once you are on your way to making something happen, then you can ask for donations from local enterprises. If you need 1 can of paint the local hardware store will probably give it to you. If you want $500 worth of stuff, they probably won't. At least not until you have shown some results, then it can grow. If you cannot get things used or donated, you can ask the people who are going to participate in your program to pay their fair share. As long as your not trying to make money off them, and they enjoy what you are planning, they should be willing to help. Then you can ask the various local governments, but that is an entire book.

Probably as important as anything else - DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK - the worst that can happen is that someone will say no, but if you don't ask the answer is always no. Further, most people will be nice, even if they have to say no. Expect them to say no (but be positive), then if they say yes you will be happy and if they say no, it is what you expected. It never hurts to ask and you will be surprised at how often people will say yes. If you are trying to do something for the community not just for yourself, you WILL find support for almost any reasonable project.

So, to start, plan your program, WRITE down everything you will need, how much it will cost, who you expect to participate, and why they will want to do it. Then start talking to the people you expect to participate, if you get many of them excited about the project, then you have a team to help with the work and finding the stuff you need. If it is a good idea, and you are an enthusiastic salesman, then your program will happen. But you have to start doing the work with no promise of success or reward, but a ton of enthusiasm. New projects are started everyday. There is no reason why yours can't be one of them.

I can't be more specific, because you said nothing about your project, so everything here is general advice which will work for most projects. Of course, when you first start to talk about the project, you will find out if it is illegal or there is some other insurmountable problem, but then just think up a new project.

Good luck

Would you give back to a community that treated you horrifically?

A good hearted person had been talked about so horrifically because he/she had speech problem and a communication disability. The people in the (black, gay, or art) community called him/her retarded, crazy, slow, stupid, hard-headed, and dumb. They made fun of him/her and tell people lies and misunderstanding information about that person. This person is intellegent and a good artist. He/she became popular in months and had a following all over. Some praised him/her for his/she efforts. In addition, an e-mail saying that he/she made their 2006 year happy because of his/her talent. The artist(he/she) is giving something back to those who appreciate them, but the ones that talk about him/her still see him/her as a nobody. No matter how good he/she is. The putdown names does stings a little, but not alot to him/her because he/she got love elsewhere for him/her to give back, but he/she has a hard time to do give back to those who treated him/her like garbage.

Would you give back to a community that treated you horrifically? widgets

It would depend on what you mean by "give back". If I could give back by teaching (or paying for teaching) their children to abandon the biases they have learned, yes. If giving back would only serve to promote their biases, no.

Would you give back to a community that treated you horrifically?hack into myspace

Only to the few individuals who may have started me in my career--or trained me in my talent. The others can hold their breath waiting for even a nice word from someone they treated so poorly.

I know that you are supposed to forgive and forget--but you are saying that some people are STILL bad-mouthing this individual. No, the individual should give to another community--one that treated him or her well--or to a favorite charity.
Be kind, be courteous and smile.

Nothing aggravates bullies more than nicing them to death.

Trust me on this one, the nicer you are the more frustrated they become. And who needs negative people anyway?

Get famous enough and they'll trip over themselves just to kiss your butt.

Then you'll laugh!
Always forgive... (or try your hardest too) Give back regardless of circumstance. For One day foregiveness will be asked by them... and God will be their judge.
Ouch! was the old reaction, funny thing happened going through with life. wounds were healing from those vicious bites, They did not get what their hammer came to crack. they did not get my life. I kept the most valuable part , protecting it with all the life remaining in me. Now it is my turn to turn around and face those who beat me to the ground. I am back, empty of hate , you tried to beat yourself into me , all the room inside had been knocked out of place, except the room full of Gods Grace. There is more to say and that I will, but not on top of Capital Hill. Here I am, standing still, you could not knock me off this will.
you don't throw your pearls to swines
it's hard the way you put it. it is good that there are still those who knows how to appreciate. they say we grow in adversity. i believe we flourish more in positive environments.

What is the purpose of a community room in a mosque?

I have this coursework for GCSE Rs - Islam to do and as much as I try I can't find anything about the purpose of either a community room or the Madrasah.

Can anyone help? I have pictures because I visited the Al Hazar mosque in South Shields recently but I can't find the examples of the more ornate ones I need or figure out enough about what the purpose is to write a paragraph on it.

Please help!

What is the purpose of a community room in a mosque?fun

The Madrassah is different from a community room. I've got some pictures of madrassahs if you send me a message/email. The word "madrassah" (sometimes spelled "medersa") literally means school! Historically, these schools were for boys to learn religion, and were usually used as boarding schools. Boys would stay two per small room and study the Qur'an.

A community room in a modern mosque is used for exactly what you might think - community! Since the prayer hall of a mosque requires things like ablution (ritual washing before entering), a community room would be for other purposes - eating, for example, or celebration (of a wedding, perhaps).

What is the purpose of a community room in a mosque?cool myspace

Try looking up the Mosque in Saudi for Prophet Mohammed(pbuh). It is ornate. Also, Jordan, Egypt and Syria have many beautiful Mosque.

Is the best way to improve community relations is to criticise the way a (Muslim) woman dresses?

British government officials have decided that Muslims are issolated from British they have decided to start a campaign attacking how a Muslim woman dresses when she visits her local MP..or has a job....

Do you think this is good way to improve community relation and encourage Muslims to integrate more is to attack them for the way their dress when they take part in British society?

Is the best way to improve community relations is to criticise the way a (Muslim) woman dresses? quizzes

I'm a christian and I think it's unfair to criticise anyone for expressing their faith in the way they dress.

Is the best way to improve community relations is to criticise the way a (Muslim) woman dresses?www myspaces

If you think THIS is an attack wait till you see what's coming!!! You can either be British, or Muslim. But not both.

That's my opinion- YOU asked for it.
i really hope this does not become a reality

i think it is very beautiful to see people in their cultural dress

to have us all walking about like clones ... wearing the same ... being the same

no i do not believe this is the way forward xx
You always twist the truth. If you don't like how Britian is running her Parliament, go to Iraq or Saudi. I'm sure you will enjoy all the bountiful priveledges a Muslimah is duly entitled to, and you will not have to worry about some silly sovereign nation and her silly rules and campaigns.

PBUH...Pecans Be Upon Hulls

-Nut Goddess
No of course not. They're just being disrespectful.
You're mistaking attack for debate. Its ok to discuss the issue. In fact the very problem is that when these women do wholly cover themselves up they are NOT participating in a society which communicates through facial as well as verbal gestures. It is alienating and repressive whether these women realise it or not.
who cares?but when in rome?????
If it was a question of the student not being able to understand her under a a veil there must be a compromise.

I was not hired a a Seventh day Adventist hospital because of the way I wore my facial hair. I would not compromise. I didn't whine. I just found another job.

Would I be able to openly drink alcohol in Saudi Arabia? If not they are not allowing me my freedom.
So you think posting messages attacking the government instead of just letting things drop is a better way of improving it do you? I think the main point that is being missed with this issue is that women in Britain have fought for equal opportunities for centuries %26amp; just as we are beggining to acheive it immigrants coming into the UK are using religious excuses for not showing their faces to male colleagues! Are you trying to send us back to the dark ages. Of course if you were to follow all the rules of your 'religion' you wouldn't even be working - or go school - or go to the doctor.........
that is not an attack you bleeding hearted liberal,freedom of speech not all one sided.
Why would anyone not want to be treated as a human?

By wearing a veil you are cutting others of from interacting with you as facial expressions are an important part of being a human. You are preventing people from being able to relate to you, yet you seem surprised that people treat you differently, why the surprise? the hijab is also intrusive admitably it is not as bad as a veil, but it is still part of the same phenomenon. Please don't sat god wants it, if god wanted it he would have given you a veil by birth

Also I think you have been over reacting all Jack Straw said was "consider removing your veil to make it easier to communicate" The veil it not even required by the Koran
For starters it wasn't a whole attack on the muslim dress. Just in relevant situations. i.e. the classroom, hospitals etc where I believe that the society should be as neutral as possible for all people of any or even no religion.

I would back the request ( not demand ) of anybody that asked a muslim woman to remove the veil if it caused said person unease, just as I would back the request of any muslim who asked a pair of teenagers to stop kissing and groping each other in front of them.

The very essence of British social life is that it should be acceptable for all citizens and sometimes that means everybody bending in one way or another.

Looking at it from a different perspective I would expect a christian to not wear a crucifix on display in an islamic region if it made people uncomfortable.
I don't think that it's a good way to improve community relations,but a lot of people(understandably)feel uncomfortable about talking to someone when they can't see their face.I think that the small number of women who choose to wear the full veil should think about how they make other people feel.These people can't expect to have everything their own way.Proper integration involves a degree of compromise.
british women died for the right to equality in society. this is being thrown back in their faces by disrespectful immigrants. when in rome, do as the romans do. in british society, it is an INSULT to cover one's face when having a conversation. this is only done by bank robbers, criminals etc.

why can't you understand? why is it US that have to understand you?

everyone knows that muslim men like to suppress their women, not let them receive an education, get jobs, drive cars, have male friends, expose their hair etc etc. if we lived by the Koran, that woman would not even be allowed to WORK as a teacher. How is that a mark of a civilised society?

it is NOT a muslim requirement to cover the face. if it were, why do muslim MEN not cover their faces?

how can 11-year-old pupils learn a new language when they cannot see the lips of their teacher moving?

if these women do not like the way british people live, why do they live here? why do they not live in saudi arabia?
I think the government is protecting our rights to live in a normal, secular, modern society. Especially when it comes to teachers wearing the veil and in so doing preventing herself from teaching our children properly. I think you over reaction just shows how unreasonable you and your religion are
The British Government and people have bent backwards for the Muslim community, and we are sick of it, Britain has scores of different religions, and the only one to ALWAYS complain is the Muslims.

And how the hell is a child supposed to know what she is saying when they cannot see her mouth?
The Brit is already accept secularism in thier Christian faith.

So suppose muslim have a right to utilise their faith since they are not like Christians.

Another facts is Brit is becoming more racism or apartheid. Should Queen Elizabeth should throw her tiara same as muslim women in gov office? If not, there is racist.

It lets the Muslims realise that they have habitually abused the Christian English majoritys tolerance and kindness towards them.

they need to realise the extent of the resentment towards islam so that they realise that their stunts such as 9/11 will further alienate christians.

Christians should say, look we want to help you but you must reciprocate that friendship, and hiding behind a veil, not showing your legs face cleavage even is unfriendly.
I think the MP asked the woman to take her veil off and any woman not happy with the request could refuse.

I personally don't have a problem with a woman wearing the veil but I do find it harder to understand someone when I can't see their whole face.

I don't feel this is getting at any part of society, Christians are being told they can't wear crosses at work is that against the Christians?

Sikh men are allowed to wear turbins Hindu women wear the dot on there forhead at work even on the airlines where Christians are told they can't wear a cross. (Is this racist?)

At schools a lot of kids can't celebrate Christmas anymore because it isn't PC. They learn every other religous festivals but not the Christmas story. My daughter who is 12 went to a state primary school and covered 1 Christian holiday in 3 years at infant school. Most parents who are Christian do want to see there son and daughter on the stage in a nativity. When I was at school if you were not a Christian you didn't go into assembly, thankfully that has changed. But I do feel it is important to carry on the Christian traditions and also learn about other faiths so that this can avoid racial tension.

I am not racist but I can see both sides of the arguement. We are all living in the same community so we all have to have some give and take.

How many countries allow different religions places of worship? I feel overall all the citizens of the UK of all different faiths are very tolerant of each others religions.

I have many friends of many different faiths, personally I don't see being asked and being able to refuse is a big deal.

As for the lady who works in the school, I feel it should be her choice and not enforced on her about her veil.

I also feel the lady who went to work with a cross on shouldn't have been sent home either and told she couldn't wear it.

I know it isn't called a veil but it is nearly 2.00am in the morning and the correct name escapes me at the moment.
Get over it its your second question now on how muslims dress it sounds like the only person with an issue with it is you!!!
Your question does two things to me. First: it angers me that Muslims come to Britain and take advantage of the freedom to worship, vote, earn money and even run their own businesses in a society that permits freedom of worship. This is not so in many Muslim countries. The seeds of anger that Muslims are sowing has now manifest itself in that BA stewardess being fired by the cowardly management of BA for wearing a crucific while on duty. I have seen caucasian stewardesses wearing facial veils after returning from flights to Saudie and elsewhere so as not to offend the Muslims. I for one am sick to death of placating Muslims and bowing to their every complaint.

You cover yourselves up to prevent men from looking at you and becoming interested sexually. Dont you realize that the way you cover yourselves up has just the opposite effect on men. Show me a woman in a bathing suite and I wont give her a second look, but show me a woman in a skirt and my imagination is allowed to go wild. Imagine what effect you have on many men. Ive quite often given a Muslim woman with just her eyes exposed a second look. It can be quite enticing. If there one thing about Asians that is attractive to men, its their eyes.

Your dress can also be quite intimidating and can cause fear in those who are nervous or children. After all it is the Muslims who are the suicide bombers. I dont recall a Christian or a Jew blowing themselves up.

Lets try this scenario for fun. Suppose I and about 200,000 other white Christians and Jews started wearing black ski-masks this winter to prevent our faces from the cold wind. After all, that is what they are intended for. Imagine walking down Fleet Street and you see three men wearing black ski masks and black shirts, jackets, and pants coming your way. What would you think? Yet they could be on their way to church.

I for one believe that Muslims should be permitted freedom to worship but before they can stay in UK they must take an oath of allegiance to the Crown and Britain, learn the politics of this country and how it works, go out and vote without racial bias, learn English, teach your children to become good citizens of the UK and most of all BE GREATFUL FOR WHAT WE HAVE GIVEN YOU FREELY FROM THE KINDNESS OF OUR HEARTS.

Muslim women should not wear facial coverings because it divides us. What Straw said is true, it is a sign of respect in the west to be able to see the face of someone who is speaking to you or teaching you.

Its coming to the point where as a Brit I'm ready to yell "WILL THE LAST BRIT TO LEAVE BRITAIN PLEASE TURN OUT THE LIGHTS".

Secondly: it is turning me into a racist. I didnt always feel this way. I felt that men and women of any colour or religion were welcome but now the crime in this country has escalated, drugs are everywhere (Afghanistan grows most of the opium sold in this country). Murder is on the rise, honour killings are underreported, Diwali is celebrated openly as is Ramadan, while Christmas isnt allowed in public because the pansy government doesnt want to offend. I personally spoke with a Hounslow councilman from India. He told me that the British came to his country many years ago and took his country from him and now the Indians have come to Britain to take Britain away from them.

So to summarize briefly, I was a tolerant, kind hearted man with love for all humanity. I am now a racist full of anger.

Now the ball is in your court. How can you go about winning my trust, respect and love back?

A lot of people because of their faith, culture or race elect to live apart and not to integrate into the British way of life.

You will have observed by comparison how liberal we brits are, we have no national code of dress, no national code of what to eat or not eat, religion over the years is left up to the individual we no longer promote religion in our schools.

We have by enlarge followed the road to capitalism.

But as Brits we can feel threatened by those we do not understand, it is not that we are unwilling to make an effort to understand as often we need someone to understand us.

If someone disagrees with me, thank you... for that we live in a society where you are free to do..just that. Disagree. They have not attacked me for doing so.

If we agree that we are of a different race, culture and faith, well that is good... we have then to note what our differences might be. I notice you have observed some women in our white culture wear high heels, but that in essence is there choice. Maybe these women feel short and want to feel a little taller, maybe they think that heels are a fashion accessorie and that it helps them to feel more attractive and feminine as woman. You must recognise this as speculation it does not make it a fact or an attack. It is an interpretation as to why the heels.

Of late the press. some MP's councillors etc have speculated that it is not easy to coverse with someone in a veil, they feel that it does not help you to integrate with the rest of British society as it seperates you.

As a Brit, I do think this is true but I would not tell you to remove your veil unless I felt threatened by you.

I notice you have a small thumbnail picture of yourself, you look fine. I see no problem of communicating with someones whose face I can see. I do have a problem where the face is completely covered, I would find it daunting to converse in this situation. British children find masked or veiled men and women frightening, they do not see it as a customary code of dress for nationals who are not British.

On the subject of intrepretation we Brits because of our leanings towards being more liberal and easy find that even within the members of the Muslim population..they to have their interpretation of the Quran. As such a vast number of interpretations have been given we would probably approve of the least extreme.

I am speaking here as a moderate thinker here, I have enjoyed sharing with Muslim flatmates over a number of years and the subject of the veil has never been a problem indoors. The issue of when they wanted to hold there prayers was never an issue for me, what they chose to eat and cook not an issue. These were Muslim girls who were willing to integrate via some attempt to compromise.

They didn't wear a miniskirt, a revealing top and a pair of high heels to do this. Although one of my flatmates tried my shoes on for a laugh indoors, and indeed it was.

If Muslim women want to integrate in work, education, or in the society of other white women or indeed with other races of women, they should not wear the full veil. If a Muslim woman feels threatened by a male colleague she should speak with the other women before referring back to her veil. Maybe any fears she might have would dissipitate after debate during which she may gain support and protection.

If you feel vulnerable speak with another woman, don't get annoyed, be calm be truthful and all should be well.
I think that communities should be learning from musilms rather than trying to oppress them--but then, I am in america, which is known as a melting pot and our lives have been enriched by what many different immigrants to our country brought with them--food, games, attitude and outlook on life...........If a muslim woman wants to wear her traditional garb, so be it--which is worse, covering everything or running around naked?
No it is not the best way to improve culture relations, i think muslim women should be allowed to wear their dress. But and this is a big but, they should register themselves some how or other so the frightend non muslim population feel secure, in other words as long as you are known under your burka/veils then no problem , but how can this be acheived, that is the problem.
Muslim factions killing each other, caused by death squads killing other poor Muslims sent by Pasdaran. You speak so two-faced in peace. Don't get me wrong, but all of your questions seem to have a "Americans will be divided and hate each other by my question" connotation.-readers please check it out. I guess you're right Americans are less intelligent than Iranis-typical mindset-but we're too stupid to know it. I was thinking of a flight from Tinian to Tehran in a couple of months, want to meet me there to discuss this?
You have one huge chip on your shoulder.
who's community the one you want to impose on others or the indigenous one that is UK?
You know one of the western worlds ways of understanding is to see expressions on the face. You can say many things but if you cant see then the risk is misunderstanding.

You know how it is on the phone well that's the same.

But what about christian nuns, Jews wearing skull caps. White and black youths wearing hoods and baseball caps? punks with needles and piercings? What is more offensive?

But a good way to improve community relations is to let people see that you are happy to be here.Lets see your smiles. Then you will see ours. Easy is it not?
No it isn't. and we aren't immigrants. most of us were born here. Nikaab (face covering) is not only to prevent men from being sexually aroused by women but also to make us women more independent and have a words and speech of a higher status than our looks. women ARE given a high status in Islam. if you have ever read an Islamic book on women you would understand. it is too long for me to explain, but trust me on it, women are given a high status in Islam. and we ARE allowed to have an education, and a job, and to drive. someone has said we wouldn't be allowed by our husbands. and one does not have to see ones lips to understand what they are saying as so many people keep mentioning. also, isn't it down to Muslims about what they wear, whether it's the nikaab or the jilbaab(long dress covering the whole body) or the hijab (head covering)? not non Muslims. since we are the ones who understand our own religion not Non Muslims.

i also think that every person should be allowed to wear any type of clothing to show which religion they believe in. if we are allowed to wear the nikaab, jilbab and hijab then Christians should be allowed to wear the cross, Jews should be allowed to wear caps etc.

Men don't have wear a nikaab or jilaab or hijab because we believe women are better at controlling their desires and aren't so easily sexually aroused.

p.s. Quran is spelt like 'Quran' not 'Koran'. (not trying to offend you, just pointing out a spelling mistake)
Have you read this book and what are your view or answers to the list below from this book?

The Truth About Muhammad

by Robert Spencer

Meet the real Muhammad:

Muhammad's bizarre reaction to his first "revelation": "I will go to the top of the mountain and throw myself down that I may kill myself"

The heretical Christian who convinced Muhammad he was a prophet 鈥?and may have taught him his erroneous views of Christianity

Islamic borrowings from Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism 鈥?and Muhammad's enraged replies to charges that he borrowed material rather than received actual divine revelations

The "revelation" that allowed Muhammad to marry his beautiful daughter-in-law

The strange incident in Muhammad's life that makes it virtually impossible to prove rape in Islamic countries today

The real "Satanic Verses" incident (not the Salman Rushdie version): how Muhammad's attempt to win over his opponents ended with his saying he had been inspired not by God, but by Satan

How the Qur'an's teaching on warfare against unbelievers developed 鈥?with constant war to establish the hegemony of Islamic law as the last stage

The first year of the Muslim calendar: not when Muhammad was born or became a prophet, but when he became a warlord

How Muhammad used the graphic lure of Islamic Paradise to urge his warriors to fight furiously to extend his rule

"Kill every Jew who comes into your power": why Muhammad became so angry with both Jews and Christians 鈥?with disastrous consequences that are still playing out in the world today

The momentous command by Muhammad that led to good being identified with anything that benefited the Muslims, and evil with anything that harmed them --without reference to any larger moral standard

Muhammad's child bride 鈥?and the terrible consequences his marriage to a nine-year-old still has in the Islamic world

"This is the caravan of the Quraysh possessing wealth. It is likely that Allah may give it to you as booty": how Muhammad gave divine sanction to the Muslims' bloody raids

"War is deceit": the permission Muhammad gave his followers to lie in order to gain an advantage over their enemies

How Muhammad broke the principal treaty he entered into, again setting a pattern for Muslim states thereafter

Muhammad's commands to his followers to wage perpetual war against non-Muslims, including Jews and Christians

Muhammad on women's rights: women "are prisoners with you having no control of their persons"

"If justice is not to be found with me then where will you find it?" Why Muhammad still stands for Muslims as the supreme model for human behavior

"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula, and will not leave any but Muslims" 鈥?and other statements by Muhammad that contemporary jihadists take very seriously

Islamic tolerance? The onerous tax burden and other discriminatory regulations mandated for non-Muslims under Islamic law

How Muhammad ordered the killing of apostates from Islam

The massacre of a Jewish tribe by Muhammad that was invoked by modern-day jihadists at the beginning of Israel's July 2006 operations against Hizballah in Lebanon

"Embrace Islam, and your lives and property will be safe": Muhammad's threatening letters to the rulers of the lands around Arabia

Muhammad's frequent avowals that the Muslims would overcome the empires bordering on Arabia and one day stand as masters of the world

"I have been made victorious with terror" 鈥?and other statements of Muhammad on his deathbed

Six steps that American leaders can and must take in order to protect our nation from Islamic jihad terrorism
let them say whatever they want. woman in Islam is like the diamond, cannot be touched or seen parts of her body except with a persmission of what God has given the right to.

what they should criticize is the husband who enjoy seeing men looking at his wife while wearing her sexy swimming bikini.

We live in a gated community- unsafe playground?

So the gated community we live in has a little playground. IT has stairs up to a platform, a curved ladder up to that same platform, and a slide. The slide is very steep and ends very high off the ground. When my children go down the slide they either need to be caught by an adult or they fly off the end and whack the back of their head on the end of the slide.

My kids are one and three- so they are young, but it is a short slide - about 4-5 feet I would guess.

So, are there regulations? What are they?

I brought this up at the board meeting and one person didnt even know there were regulations, the other said it had passed inspection- of course, that was before they moved it to a different location.

So, what to do- walk 3/4 mile to another park (and still pay my association dues)

Or, complain?

We live in a gated community- unsafe playground?flash myspace

Complain. But read signs if any are posted. Sometimes it will say children 5 and up. I know ours does, but our slides arent like that. You pay them money so you should voice your opinion.

We live in a gated community- unsafe playground?myspace pages

Complain and get other parents to complain also. You can't watch your child every second and if you are with one and the other one decides to do the slide without you and hits their head and cracks it open then you got a lawsuit on your hands b/c you let them know it was unsafe. I would suggest you take your kids to the park and bring your video recorder with you and show them what you are talking about. Don't give up. Have other parents there so you can show other kids have a problem with it also.
Your children are very young, most of this type equipment is for older children. Plus at that age, you SHOULD be there to catch them and constantly be monitering them. If you want to live there, pay your dues as you are required to do so, but choose a park with age appropriate equiment....
Where do you live?
Is it wood chips or a loose material on the ground, mulch. If so, these need to be re-plenished each year.

When you're done with the playground, you are welcome to swing by my house and re-do the flower beds :)

What were the thoughts of the community in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad?


I am a college student in Portland, OR, USA and I am writing a paper on changing the names of towns and cities in Russia. I need to have a personal interview for my paper, and would love to talk to someone who was living in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad. I am just trying to get personal opinions on what the thoughts of the community were at the time, and even an email of a few sentences would be great! Please contact me if you have any questions, or would like more information about this project.

I hope you have a great day, and thank you for your time!



What were the thoughts of the community in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad? music

I have not lived in a city where the name of the city was changed but did live in the city where every street name was changed after the break up of USSR. It became extremely inconvenient and confusing. The government changed the addresses right away and no one could remember the street names. It took forever to find something where before you knew exactly where you were going. It has been more than 15 years since that happen and people still name some streets by their old names.

Regarding St. Petersburg I’m sure some people were happy others were not and some did not care. I know that there were protests done by the old communists to keep the old name especially when people started to feel what life is going to be like without USSR. But majority of the people had other problems like finding the money to feed their family and waiting in lines for 4-7hours to get that loaf of bread and sugar that was given out only by “coupons” than to care about the name change. I personally think that St. Petersburg sounds more classy, it’s the historic name of the city and should have remained that instead of being changed to Leningrad, it’s just like the communists to change everything.

Sorry could not help you directly with your paper. Good luck.

What were the thoughts of the community in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad?www myspaces com

My relatives live in St.Petersburg. When the city was named Leningrad they called themself "piterzy" (people from Peter) and the short for Leningrad was "Piter", not "Lenin" or whatever. So they were not unhappy, when the official city name was changed back to St.Petersburg.

Also, St.Petersburg is the name from those days, when the city was the capital of Russia. It was renamed to Leningrad and lost its capital status almost simultaneously. So, renaming the city back to St.Petersburg was like returning a part of the city's glory back to it.
I don't leave in Russia but i'll try to answer your question. This city was buit by Peter and earlier it was named after Peter. but when cimmunist came they thought this city is beautiful. they didn't like Peter but they liked Lenin and they decided to name it after him. now there is a new goverment that thinks that communist were bad. they want to renew old traditions and they changed the name of the city.

Is the best way to improve community relations is to criticise the way a (Muslim) woman dresses?

British government officials have decided that Muslims are issolated from British they have decided to start a campaign attacking how a Muslim woman dresses when she visits her local MP..or has a job....

Do you think this is good way to improve community relation and encourage Muslims to integrate more is to attack them for the way their dress when they take part in British society?

Is the best way to improve community relations is to criticise the way a (Muslim) woman dresses? quizzes

I'm a christian and I think it's unfair to criticise anyone for expressing their faith in the way they dress.

Is the best way to improve community relations is to criticise the way a (Muslim) woman dresses?www myspaces

If you think THIS is an attack wait till you see what's coming!!! You can either be British, or Muslim. But not both.

That's my opinion- YOU asked for it.
i really hope this does not become a reality

i think it is very beautiful to see people in their cultural dress

to have us all walking about like clones ... wearing the same ... being the same

no i do not believe this is the way forward xx
You always twist the truth. If you don't like how Britian is running her Parliament, go to Iraq or Saudi. I'm sure you will enjoy all the bountiful priveledges a Muslimah is duly entitled to, and you will not have to worry about some silly sovereign nation and her silly rules and campaigns.

PBUH...Pecans Be Upon Hulls

-Nut Goddess
No of course not. They're just being disrespectful.
You're mistaking attack for debate. Its ok to discuss the issue. In fact the very problem is that when these women do wholly cover themselves up they are NOT participating in a society which communicates through facial as well as verbal gestures. It is alienating and repressive whether these women realise it or not.
who cares?but when in rome?????
If it was a question of the student not being able to understand her under a a veil there must be a compromise.

I was not hired a a Seventh day Adventist hospital because of the way I wore my facial hair. I would not compromise. I didn't whine. I just found another job.

Would I be able to openly drink alcohol in Saudi Arabia? If not they are not allowing me my freedom.
So you think posting messages attacking the government instead of just letting things drop is a better way of improving it do you? I think the main point that is being missed with this issue is that women in Britain have fought for equal opportunities for centuries %26amp; just as we are beggining to acheive it immigrants coming into the UK are using religious excuses for not showing their faces to male colleagues! Are you trying to send us back to the dark ages. Of course if you were to follow all the rules of your 'religion' you wouldn't even be working - or go school - or go to the doctor.........
that is not an attack you bleeding hearted liberal,freedom of speech not all one sided.
Why would anyone not want to be treated as a human?

By wearing a veil you are cutting others of from interacting with you as facial expressions are an important part of being a human. You are preventing people from being able to relate to you, yet you seem surprised that people treat you differently, why the surprise? the hijab is also intrusive admitably it is not as bad as a veil, but it is still part of the same phenomenon. Please don't sat god wants it, if god wanted it he would have given you a veil by birth

Also I think you have been over reacting all Jack Straw said was "consider removing your veil to make it easier to communicate" The veil it not even required by the Koran
For starters it wasn't a whole attack on the muslim dress. Just in relevant situations. i.e. the classroom, hospitals etc where I believe that the society should be as neutral as possible for all people of any or even no religion.

I would back the request ( not demand ) of anybody that asked a muslim woman to remove the veil if it caused said person unease, just as I would back the request of any muslim who asked a pair of teenagers to stop kissing and groping each other in front of them.

The very essence of British social life is that it should be acceptable for all citizens and sometimes that means everybody bending in one way or another.

Looking at it from a different perspective I would expect a christian to not wear a crucifix on display in an islamic region if it made people uncomfortable.
I don't think that it's a good way to improve community relations,but a lot of people(understandably)feel uncomfortable about talking to someone when they can't see their face.I think that the small number of women who choose to wear the full veil should think about how they make other people feel.These people can't expect to have everything their own way.Proper integration involves a degree of compromise.
british women died for the right to equality in society. this is being thrown back in their faces by disrespectful immigrants. when in rome, do as the romans do. in british society, it is an INSULT to cover one's face when having a conversation. this is only done by bank robbers, criminals etc.

why can't you understand? why is it US that have to understand you?

everyone knows that muslim men like to suppress their women, not let them receive an education, get jobs, drive cars, have male friends, expose their hair etc etc. if we lived by the Koran, that woman would not even be allowed to WORK as a teacher. How is that a mark of a civilised society?

it is NOT a muslim requirement to cover the face. if it were, why do muslim MEN not cover their faces?

how can 11-year-old pupils learn a new language when they cannot see the lips of their teacher moving?

if these women do not like the way british people live, why do they live here? why do they not live in saudi arabia?
I think the government is protecting our rights to live in a normal, secular, modern society. Especially when it comes to teachers wearing the veil and in so doing preventing herself from teaching our children properly. I think you over reaction just shows how unreasonable you and your religion are
The British Government and people have bent backwards for the Muslim community, and we are sick of it, Britain has scores of different religions, and the only one to ALWAYS complain is the Muslims.

And how the hell is a child supposed to know what she is saying when they cannot see her mouth?
The Brit is already accept secularism in thier Christian faith.

So suppose muslim have a right to utilise their faith since they are not like Christians.

Another facts is Brit is becoming more racism or apartheid. Should Queen Elizabeth should throw her tiara same as muslim women in gov office? If not, there is racist.

It lets the Muslims realise that they have habitually abused the Christian English majoritys tolerance and kindness towards them.

they need to realise the extent of the resentment towards islam so that they realise that their stunts such as 9/11 will further alienate christians.

Christians should say, look we want to help you but you must reciprocate that friendship, and hiding behind a veil, not showing your legs face cleavage even is unfriendly.
I think the MP asked the woman to take her veil off and any woman not happy with the request could refuse.

I personally don't have a problem with a woman wearing the veil but I do find it harder to understand someone when I can't see their whole face.

I don't feel this is getting at any part of society, Christians are being told they can't wear crosses at work is that against the Christians?

Sikh men are allowed to wear turbins Hindu women wear the dot on there forhead at work even on the airlines where Christians are told they can't wear a cross. (Is this racist?)

At schools a lot of kids can't celebrate Christmas anymore because it isn't PC. They learn every other religous festivals but not the Christmas story. My daughter who is 12 went to a state primary school and covered 1 Christian holiday in 3 years at infant school. Most parents who are Christian do want to see there son and daughter on the stage in a nativity. When I was at school if you were not a Christian you didn't go into assembly, thankfully that has changed. But I do feel it is important to carry on the Christian traditions and also learn about other faiths so that this can avoid racial tension.

I am not racist but I can see both sides of the arguement. We are all living in the same community so we all have to have some give and take.

How many countries allow different religions places of worship? I feel overall all the citizens of the UK of all different faiths are very tolerant of each others religions.

I have many friends of many different faiths, personally I don't see being asked and being able to refuse is a big deal.

As for the lady who works in the school, I feel it should be her choice and not enforced on her about her veil.

I also feel the lady who went to work with a cross on shouldn't have been sent home either and told she couldn't wear it.

I know it isn't called a veil but it is nearly 2.00am in the morning and the correct name escapes me at the moment.
Get over it its your second question now on how muslims dress it sounds like the only person with an issue with it is you!!!
Your question does two things to me. First: it angers me that Muslims come to Britain and take advantage of the freedom to worship, vote, earn money and even run their own businesses in a society that permits freedom of worship. This is not so in many Muslim countries. The seeds of anger that Muslims are sowing has now manifest itself in that BA stewardess being fired by the cowardly management of BA for wearing a crucific while on duty. I have seen caucasian stewardesses wearing facial veils after returning from flights to Saudie and elsewhere so as not to offend the Muslims. I for one am sick to death of placating Muslims and bowing to their every complaint.

You cover yourselves up to prevent men from looking at you and becoming interested sexually. Dont you realize that the way you cover yourselves up has just the opposite effect on men. Show me a woman in a bathing suite and I wont give her a second look, but show me a woman in a skirt and my imagination is allowed to go wild. Imagine what effect you have on many men. Ive quite often given a Muslim woman with just her eyes exposed a second look. It can be quite enticing. If there one thing about Asians that is attractive to men, its their eyes.

Your dress can also be quite intimidating and can cause fear in those who are nervous or children. After all it is the Muslims who are the suicide bombers. I dont recall a Christian or a Jew blowing themselves up.

Lets try this scenario for fun. Suppose I and about 200,000 other white Christians and Jews started wearing black ski-masks this winter to prevent our faces from the cold wind. After all, that is what they are intended for. Imagine walking down Fleet Street and you see three men wearing black ski masks and black shirts, jackets, and pants coming your way. What would you think? Yet they could be on their way to church.

I for one believe that Muslims should be permitted freedom to worship but before they can stay in UK they must take an oath of allegiance to the Crown and Britain, learn the politics of this country and how it works, go out and vote without racial bias, learn English, teach your children to become good citizens of the UK and most of all BE GREATFUL FOR WHAT WE HAVE GIVEN YOU FREELY FROM THE KINDNESS OF OUR HEARTS.

Muslim women should not wear facial coverings because it divides us. What Straw said is true, it is a sign of respect in the west to be able to see the face of someone who is speaking to you or teaching you.

Its coming to the point where as a Brit I'm ready to yell "WILL THE LAST BRIT TO LEAVE BRITAIN PLEASE TURN OUT THE LIGHTS".

Secondly: it is turning me into a racist. I didnt always feel this way. I felt that men and women of any colour or religion were welcome but now the crime in this country has escalated, drugs are everywhere (Afghanistan grows most of the opium sold in this country). Murder is on the rise, honour killings are underreported, Diwali is celebrated openly as is Ramadan, while Christmas isnt allowed in public because the pansy government doesnt want to offend. I personally spoke with a Hounslow councilman from India. He told me that the British came to his country many years ago and took his country from him and now the Indians have come to Britain to take Britain away from them.

So to summarize briefly, I was a tolerant, kind hearted man with love for all humanity. I am now a racist full of anger.

Now the ball is in your court. How can you go about winning my trust, respect and love back?

A lot of people because of their faith, culture or race elect to live apart and not to integrate into the British way of life.

You will have observed by comparison how liberal we brits are, we have no national code of dress, no national code of what to eat or not eat, religion over the years is left up to the individual we no longer promote religion in our schools.

We have by enlarge followed the road to capitalism.

But as Brits we can feel threatened by those we do not understand, it is not that we are unwilling to make an effort to understand as often we need someone to understand us.

If someone disagrees with me, thank you... for that we live in a society where you are free to do..just that. Disagree. They have not attacked me for doing so.

If we agree that we are of a different race, culture and faith, well that is good... we have then to note what our differences might be. I notice you have observed some women in our white culture wear high heels, but that in essence is there choice. Maybe these women feel short and want to feel a little taller, maybe they think that heels are a fashion accessorie and that it helps them to feel more attractive and feminine as woman. You must recognise this as speculation it does not make it a fact or an attack. It is an interpretation as to why the heels.

Of late the press. some MP's councillors etc have speculated that it is not easy to coverse with someone in a veil, they feel that it does not help you to integrate with the rest of British society as it seperates you.

As a Brit, I do think this is true but I would not tell you to remove your veil unless I felt threatened by you.

I notice you have a small thumbnail picture of yourself, you look fine. I see no problem of communicating with someones whose face I can see. I do have a problem where the face is completely covered, I would find it daunting to converse in this situation. British children find masked or veiled men and women frightening, they do not see it as a customary code of dress for nationals who are not British.

On the subject of intrepretation we Brits because of our leanings towards being more liberal and easy find that even within the members of the Muslim population..they to have their interpretation of the Quran. As such a vast number of interpretations have been given we would probably approve of the least extreme.

I am speaking here as a moderate thinker here, I have enjoyed sharing with Muslim flatmates over a number of years and the subject of the veil has never been a problem indoors. The issue of when they wanted to hold there prayers was never an issue for me, what they chose to eat and cook not an issue. These were Muslim girls who were willing to integrate via some attempt to compromise.

They didn't wear a miniskirt, a revealing top and a pair of high heels to do this. Although one of my flatmates tried my shoes on for a laugh indoors, and indeed it was.

If Muslim women want to integrate in work, education, or in the society of other white women or indeed with other races of women, they should not wear the full veil. If a Muslim woman feels threatened by a male colleague she should speak with the other women before referring back to her veil. Maybe any fears she might have would dissipitate after debate during which she may gain support and protection.

If you feel vulnerable speak with another woman, don't get annoyed, be calm be truthful and all should be well.
I think that communities should be learning from musilms rather than trying to oppress them--but then, I am in america, which is known as a melting pot and our lives have been enriched by what many different immigrants to our country brought with them--food, games, attitude and outlook on life...........If a muslim woman wants to wear her traditional garb, so be it--which is worse, covering everything or running around naked?
No it is not the best way to improve culture relations, i think muslim women should be allowed to wear their dress. But and this is a big but, they should register themselves some how or other so the frightend non muslim population feel secure, in other words as long as you are known under your burka/veils then no problem , but how can this be acheived, that is the problem.
Muslim factions killing each other, caused by death squads killing other poor Muslims sent by Pasdaran. You speak so two-faced in peace. Don't get me wrong, but all of your questions seem to have a "Americans will be divided and hate each other by my question" connotation.-readers please check it out. I guess you're right Americans are less intelligent than Iranis-typical mindset-but we're too stupid to know it. I was thinking of a flight from Tinian to Tehran in a couple of months, want to meet me there to discuss this?
You have one huge chip on your shoulder.
who's community the one you want to impose on others or the indigenous one that is UK?
You know one of the western worlds ways of understanding is to see expressions on the face. You can say many things but if you cant see then the risk is misunderstanding.

You know how it is on the phone well that's the same.

But what about christian nuns, Jews wearing skull caps. White and black youths wearing hoods and baseball caps? punks with needles and piercings? What is more offensive?

But a good way to improve community relations is to let people see that you are happy to be here.Lets see your smiles. Then you will see ours. Easy is it not?
No it isn't. and we aren't immigrants. most of us were born here. Nikaab (face covering) is not only to prevent men from being sexually aroused by women but also to make us women more independent and have a words and speech of a higher status than our looks. women ARE given a high status in Islam. if you have ever read an Islamic book on women you would understand. it is too long for me to explain, but trust me on it, women are given a high status in Islam. and we ARE allowed to have an education, and a job, and to drive. someone has said we wouldn't be allowed by our husbands. and one does not have to see ones lips to understand what they are saying as so many people keep mentioning. also, isn't it down to Muslims about what they wear, whether it's the nikaab or the jilbaab(long dress covering the whole body) or the hijab (head covering)? not non Muslims. since we are the ones who understand our own religion not Non Muslims.

i also think that every person should be allowed to wear any type of clothing to show which religion they believe in. if we are allowed to wear the nikaab, jilbab and hijab then Christians should be allowed to wear the cross, Jews should be allowed to wear caps etc.

Men don't have wear a nikaab or jilaab or hijab because we believe women are better at controlling their desires and aren't so easily sexually aroused.

p.s. Quran is spelt like 'Quran' not 'Koran'. (not trying to offend you, just pointing out a spelling mistake)
Have you read this book and what are your view or answers to the list below from this book?

The Truth About Muhammad

by Robert Spencer

Meet the real Muhammad:

Muhammad's bizarre reaction to his first "revelation": "I will go to the top of the mountain and throw myself down that I may kill myself"

The heretical Christian who convinced Muhammad he was a prophet 鈥?and may have taught him his erroneous views of Christianity

Islamic borrowings from Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism 鈥?and Muhammad's enraged replies to charges that he borrowed material rather than received actual divine revelations

The "revelation" that allowed Muhammad to marry his beautiful daughter-in-law

The strange incident in Muhammad's life that makes it virtually impossible to prove rape in Islamic countries today

The real "Satanic Verses" incident (not the Salman Rushdie version): how Muhammad's attempt to win over his opponents ended with his saying he had been inspired not by God, but by Satan

How the Qur'an's teaching on warfare against unbelievers developed 鈥?with constant war to establish the hegemony of Islamic law as the last stage

The first year of the Muslim calendar: not when Muhammad was born or became a prophet, but when he became a warlord

How Muhammad used the graphic lure of Islamic Paradise to urge his warriors to fight furiously to extend his rule

"Kill every Jew who comes into your power": why Muhammad became so angry with both Jews and Christians 鈥?with disastrous consequences that are still playing out in the world today

The momentous command by Muhammad that led to good being identified with anything that benefited the Muslims, and evil with anything that harmed them --without reference to any larger moral standard

Muhammad's child bride 鈥?and the terrible consequences his marriage to a nine-year-old still has in the Islamic world

"This is the caravan of the Quraysh possessing wealth. It is likely that Allah may give it to you as booty": how Muhammad gave divine sanction to the Muslims' bloody raids

"War is deceit": the permission Muhammad gave his followers to lie in order to gain an advantage over their enemies

How Muhammad broke the principal treaty he entered into, again setting a pattern for Muslim states thereafter

Muhammad's commands to his followers to wage perpetual war against non-Muslims, including Jews and Christians

Muhammad on women's rights: women "are prisoners with you having no control of their persons"

"If justice is not to be found with me then where will you find it?" Why Muhammad still stands for Muslims as the supreme model for human behavior

"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula, and will not leave any but Muslims" 鈥?and other statements by Muhammad that contemporary jihadists take very seriously

Islamic tolerance? The onerous tax burden and other discriminatory regulations mandated for non-Muslims under Islamic law

How Muhammad ordered the killing of apostates from Islam

The massacre of a Jewish tribe by Muhammad that was invoked by modern-day jihadists at the beginning of Israel's July 2006 operations against Hizballah in Lebanon

"Embrace Islam, and your lives and property will be safe": Muhammad's threatening letters to the rulers of the lands around Arabia

Muhammad's frequent avowals that the Muslims would overcome the empires bordering on Arabia and one day stand as masters of the world

"I have been made victorious with terror" 鈥?and other statements of Muhammad on his deathbed

Six steps that American leaders can and must take in order to protect our nation from Islamic jihad terrorism
let them say whatever they want. woman in Islam is like the diamond, cannot be touched or seen parts of her body except with a persmission of what God has given the right to.

what they should criticize is the husband who enjoy seeing men looking at his wife while wearing her sexy swimming bikini.

I live in a small community and I haven't been able to make any friends and I have lived here f

This is a small community with alot of friendships that have been formed since school. I go to church, I am involved in a couple of volunteer projects. But I seem to get people that need more from me than I am able to give (and that is alot!). My sister says that I am such a generous person w/such a big heart. Yet, I have not formed any meaningful relationships. I especially feel this when I need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. Perhaps I am being naive in expecting to somehow fit in here. My DH is not a very social person so there are not any avenues there to pursue. I had my children late in life and it did effect prior relationships cuz mine were in pre-k while their's were in junior high. I feel like such a fifth wheel, odd man out, old shoe...whatever. I have tried to reach out to people only to be put off then or later. I do not understand it because I am not a bad person; I'm honest and fun to be with. I'm not a hubby stealer and I don't step on toes. Help!

I live in a small community and I haven't been able to make any friends and I have lived here for 7 yrs.?myspace top

Ok so your q...would be other forms of making friends in a small community right?

Are u a single mom..since u state you are not a hubby stealer?..

Alright, seems like u have been making contact...with joining volunteer projects...and by being involved in church. Maybe u should also opt for other forms of social contact. If u live in a small community, how about starting some type of social club ? U can suggest this even in your own all single ..both men..and women get invited..and in which u can all do fun social activities...u can also suggest ..a club for married- divorced...single people with children.....u all have in common ..having kids...then u can have acitivities for the grown ups and for children too. How about joining a class or something that gets you closer other people who enjoy similar activities to you?..

Since u state .u are a kind open hearted person..and that u feel u are being taken advantage of. Maybe everyone around you is used you being so giving...that everyone....has forgotten to gove back can happen.....does not mean u have to change %26amp; turn into a cold hearted person ., maybe u need to tune up and change some people do not expect..for u to give and solve it all on your own everytime....

Good luck!

What were the thoughts of the community in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad?


I am a college student in Portland, OR, USA and I am writing a paper on changing the names of towns and cities in Russia. I need to have a personal interview for my paper, and would love to talk to someone who was living in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad. I am just trying to get personal opinions on what the thoughts of the community were at the time, and even an email of a few sentences would be great! Please contact me if you have any questions, or would like more information about this project.

I hope you have a great day, and thank you for your time!



What were the thoughts of the community in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad? music

I have not lived in a city where the name of the city was changed but did live in the city where every street name was changed after the break up of USSR. It became extremely inconvenient and confusing. The government changed the addresses right away and no one could remember the street names. It took forever to find something where before you knew exactly where you were going. It has been more than 15 years since that happen and people still name some streets by their old names.

Regarding St. Petersburg I’m sure some people were happy others were not and some did not care. I know that there were protests done by the old communists to keep the old name especially when people started to feel what life is going to be like without USSR. But majority of the people had other problems like finding the money to feed their family and waiting in lines for 4-7hours to get that loaf of bread and sugar that was given out only by “coupons” than to care about the name change. I personally think that St. Petersburg sounds more classy, it’s the historic name of the city and should have remained that instead of being changed to Leningrad, it’s just like the communists to change everything.

Sorry could not help you directly with your paper. Good luck.

What were the thoughts of the community in St. Petersburg when the name was changed from Leningrad?www myspaces com

My relatives live in St.Petersburg. When the city was named Leningrad they called themself "piterzy" (people from Peter) and the short for Leningrad was "Piter", not "Lenin" or whatever. So they were not unhappy, when the official city name was changed back to St.Petersburg.

Also, St.Petersburg is the name from those days, when the city was the capital of Russia. It was renamed to Leningrad and lost its capital status almost simultaneously. So, renaming the city back to St.Petersburg was like returning a part of the city's glory back to it.
I don't leave in Russia but i'll try to answer your question. This city was buit by Peter and earlier it was named after Peter. but when cimmunist came they thought this city is beautiful. they didn't like Peter but they liked Lenin and they decided to name it after him. now there is a new goverment that thinks that communist were bad. they want to renew old traditions and they changed the name of the city.

If you go to a community college....??

If I go to a community college, would I transfer to a university and become a junior there or start over and become a freshman in college???

If you go to a community college....??pimp myspace

It depends on how many credits the university accepts in transfer from your community college (CC). Your class standing is determined by the amount of credits you have earned and because you will be using credits from your CC to fulfill your degree requirements at the university, the total amount of credits they accept will determine your class standing. Most likely you will be at least a sophomore or a junior. Talk to either an admissions counselor at the university or your academic adviser at your CC to determine how many credits will transfer towards your bachelor's degree.

Best wishes!

If you go to a community college....??stars myspace

You'd become a junior.
transfer and cheaper
Not really a freshman or junior, just a transfer.

Looking to join an open community message board???

Sports, Music, Movies, Gaming Chat, And Much Much More.


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Looking to join an open community message board???adult myspace

thanks for the points

How do I market an online community, so that I get lots of traffic?

The online community will consist out of a site allowing visitors to review and rate a variety of shops.

Thanks to all who'll answer.

How do I market an online community, so that I get lots of traffic?myspace comments

To market an online community:

1. Tap viral marketing - this is the internet's version of word of mouth. Seth Godin has written an article based on his book "Top 10 Ideavirus Tips" where you can get ideas on how to make your online community known in a short time

2. Choose quality content that your members will be interested in. Think of what your members may want to read about, what are they passionate about and give that information to them. They'll become more engaged in your website, return more often and recommend your site to like-minded individuals. Increase their loyalty through member-generated content.

If you go to a community college....??

If I go to a community college, would I transfer to a university and become a junior there or start over and become a freshman in college???

If you go to a community college....??pimp myspace

It depends on how many credits the university accepts in transfer from your community college (CC). Your class standing is determined by the amount of credits you have earned and because you will be using credits from your CC to fulfill your degree requirements at the university, the total amount of credits they accept will determine your class standing. Most likely you will be at least a sophomore or a junior. Talk to either an admissions counselor at the university or your academic adviser at your CC to determine how many credits will transfer towards your bachelor's degree.

Best wishes!

If you go to a community college....??stars myspace

You'd become a junior.
transfer and cheaper
Not really a freshman or junior, just a transfer.

GLBT Inclusion in the Wider Community?

Can you imagine a society/community where GLBT people were completely accepted and included? What would that actually look like? What would we do with the sociopathic religious right in that case?

GLBT Inclusion in the Wider Community?wrestlers myspace

I've been discussing this in a forum on an LGBT chatroom.

LGBT people, I think, will be accepted more and more. For many become gay/lesbian or bi.

Religion is dying somehow...

that's my opinion.

GLBT Inclusion in the Wider Community?love girls myspace

Would be no different now. Just with out all the hate violence and tounge lashing of intolerence. You don't have to like or agree with your neighber, you DO have to get along with them.

Everyone is a human being, their is only one race on this planet, skin color and birth location is not a race just a birth place. The best and most effective step in removing intolerance is removing the terms of diversity...only things diverse is ideas on how to do things...not how people look or act.

Religion at it's root is a created process of keeping the mass's in check and in control by creating a means and reason to gather rutinaly and follow a set of guide lines. No one religion is right ot true. Poitics and Religion should NEVER cross, religion has no right outside of it's community to inpend it's beliefs and guidelines onto others..they may recruit others into their community to join them but they may not force people to follow what they think that are not a member of them.
Unfortunately they would turn up and spoil it for us.

How do you feel about community service?

What would you do, or feel like if your town made you do 10-15 hours a week in community service. How would you react?

What would your emotions be?

How do you feel about community service?icons for myspace

Well, I suppose that depends on WHY you need to do this community service. Are you asking this question from experience (i.e. you need to do community service because you are a senior graduating and it is part of your graduation requirements or you need to as part of a punishment for a crime) or posing a hypothetical question, in which we should assume that there is NO reason that your town is making you do this service and is mandating it for all citizens? So essentially I'd like to know if the "you" in that question is referring to ONE individual or an individual as well as the entire town? If community service is required as a graduation requirement for school or as a punishment for a crime, then I have no problem.

I also encourage voluntary community service. I believe it is fun and rewarding. I do not condone mindlessly MANDATING community service however. First of all, its an infraction on personal liberty and secondly, it changes the meaning of "community service" which is meant to be voluntary. It would make it lose the "I really wanna help other people because I WANT TO, not because I'm FORCED TO" factor. I suppose I wouldn't be too happy and would fight the motion. At first thought, the idea that this could ever happen seemed silly, but now that I think of it, I can see this law being passed in some little liberal town.

Thank you for posing an interesting question!!! :)

How do you feel about community service?hidden myspace

i feel good of community service because it helps your community and its better for the air, it cleans up pollution, and people respect clean streets, side walks any evry thing
Doing community service is great... if you have the time to do it. It's great to do something for the community to help others. Especially if you are good at something and you can help others better themselves that is a great thing to do!

10-15 hours a week... may be too much especially with my hectic schedule... but it's not a bad idea to do some hours every week maybe during the weekend!

Have fun with it if they make you do it though!
I have volunteered at Animal Control for over 2 years now.I am going to be the volunteer coordinator starting today.

I have always done approx. 25+ hours a week.Most people can't because they have to work in order to support their families.I think it would be a great idea for people who are on government assistance to be earning their keep.

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?

i'm still in high school and live in southern cali, but which is easier to tranfer to a UC school from? Cal State or community

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?myspace quotes

I think it's 6 of one...ask your guidance counselor. I prefer the community college; in CA they teach to the same standards, and the class sizes are smaller so you get more attention from the instructor.

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?layouts for music myspace myspace.comI'll go to UC Berkeley and maybe we'll meet up at San Jose for our PhDs. Report It

Community college is cheaper too.

Q Re: the R&S community and Best answers?

In this category in particular I find that the Q%26amp;A is often either rhetorical or tongue in cheek - both of which are humorous (in different ways) but neither particularly insightful (or insight-seeking). Furthermore there are a number of people that seem to ask questions and pick the "best answer" to be the one that follows their own beliefs. Their choice, of course.

My questions:

1. Do you ever look at a person's choices of "best answers" to infer any innate biases before/after answering a question?

2. If so, how do you distinguish between "best answers" chosen by the Y!A community at large (i.e., votes) vs those chosen by the asker. (There's probably a really easy way right under my nose but I don't know it).

Q Re: the R%26amp;S community and Best answers?myspace games

I will at times ask questions to provoke thinking, and in those instances, I may put them up for a vote so that the most people get a chance to look at them.

I also put things up for a vote when I ask what the "Christian" or "Muslim" line of thinking is, since I'm no longer Christian and only have a passing understanding of Islam

I've been known to choose as best answers those that reflect my own thinking when they've answered a question with more panache or scholarship than others, but I've also chosen best answers those that disagree with my ideas when they're convincing or simply say what's on their mind.

I don't believe it would be helpful to the world if I rewarded answerers who show bigotry, however, and so will not do so in almost every instance.

Q Re: the R%26amp;S community and Best answers?big brother myspace

no i dont have time to worry what everyone is doing but i sometimes check to see if they have a decent profile

decided ques it will say how it was chosen
I spend quite a bit of time looking for my best answer....

only if I feel I am unable to make that choice without being biased in some way , do I put it to the vote....

with the exception of silly questions ... I just allow them to go to the vote

but I dont answer questions based on how someone else chooses

my answer is often not just for the person asking , but for anyone who reads

they can take from it what they wish to

so recieving best answer isnt something i worry about
1. No.

2. If the answer is chosen by voters, it will say so above the best answer.
To time consuming and I couldn't be bothered. I'm not concerned with getting best answers, just giving my views. Best answers chosen by the community are more unbiased I think.
If you notice, if i am correct, I have been on here or 13 months, %26amp; I have ask 21 or 22 questions, %26amp; some had to do with health, So I don't have to pick a best answer.
I know what you mean. The questions and answers here are mostly based on people's opinions and/or beliefs.

Alot of folks choose as "best answer" an answer that agrees with their own opinions and/or beliefs...however, I've been chosen as "best" by atheists a couple of times...once, just because I made him smile.

What puzzles me is how the heck anyone could be a "top contributor" in a category like R%26amp;S?

I wonder how Yahoo makes that call??

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?

i'm still in high school and live in southern cali, but which is easier to tranfer to a UC school from? Cal State or community

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?myspace quotes

I think it's 6 of one...ask your guidance counselor. I prefer the community college; in CA they teach to the same standards, and the class sizes are smaller so you get more attention from the instructor.

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?layouts for music myspace myspace.comI'll go to UC Berkeley and maybe we'll meet up at San Jose for our PhDs. Report It

Community college is cheaper too.

Is it possible for the community to get rules on Y! Answers changed?

And if so, what would the process be?

I find that the ,"No chatting," policy is rather anti community. I understand to an extent but... get violated for saying hi to someone in a post is... a bit extreme...

Is it possible for the community to get rules on Y! Answers changed?myspace code

You're supposed to propose any changes or suggestions here. People will vote on your proposition over time if they agree with it, %26amp; eventually, if it gets enough votes, the staff will review, put in their comments, %26amp; rule whether or not they'll impose the idea.

You can do that here:

Is it possible for the community to get rules on Y! Answers changed?love myspace

I think you would see a flood of such questions that would block the system.

I'm looking for a community college in MO?

I live near Kansas city in MO. I'm interested in psychology, animals and life counseling. Are there any community colleges around here that offer those classes?

I tried to find one myself but I couldn't...

Thanks for your help!

I'm looking for a community college in MO?celebrities myspace

All links are to Kansas City, MO Community College





Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?

i'm still in high school and live in southern cali, but which is easier to tranfer to a UC school from? Cal State or community

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?myspace quotes

I think it's 6 of one...ask your guidance counselor. I prefer the community college; in CA they teach to the same standards, and the class sizes are smaller so you get more attention from the instructor.

Which is easier? Transfering from community college to UC or from cal state to UC?layouts for music myspace myspace.comI'll go to UC Berkeley and maybe we'll meet up at San Jose for our PhDs. Report It

Community college is cheaper too.

Scarlet Letter quotes that have to do with community!?

I really need a few quotes about the Scarlet Letter that have to do with how the community views Hester, and how strict the puritian community is. I need them in chapters 15-18 because we have a huge oral presentation due for that section of the book. Thanks for the help!

Scarlet Letter quotes that have to do with community!?custom myspace

Go to

And next time, don't wait until the night before the project's due to start working on your part...

Looking for partners to run an online translation community?

Hello everyone. I decided to start a translation online community to help translators with the everyday task of finding the right equivalents. Now it is only English - Spanish and Spanish - English.

If you are a translator or teacher and/or know other languages and would like to run a translation forum inside my site, or if you just want to help, visit

Thank you.

Looking for partners to run an online translation community?girl myspace

i love you! spanish is my worst subject!

Looking for partners to run an online translation community?myspace live


I'm Chinese, Chinese is my native language, other than this I've studied English and Arabic, reading, listening, speaking, and writing, and right now I'm working as a translator of both English and Arabic languages. I'm interested in joining this community as a partner, hope I'll be useful.

You can contact with me through email or IM message.

Does taking online classes in community college look bad to a University?

I go to a top rated community college and I am enrolled in online classes, as well as class which take place on campus. I was told that it looks bad to Universities to take classes online. Is this true? If so, how come?

Does taking online classes in community college look bad to a University?myspace pics

Not at all . . as long as the course is through an accredited community college and you do well in the course (A or a B) it doesn't matter at all if it is on-line or traditional. If you want more info on what will transfer and what wont, contact the institution that you want to transfer to.

Does taking online classes in community college look bad to a University?pimp myspace

I think it depends on how many courses you take on line and the type of course you take. For instance, if the course is a low level gen. ed. course I think it would be fine, but if the course is an advanced high level course I would not take it on line. Another thing to keep in mind if you plan on transferring the course to the University you are probably better off taking the class in the classroom, if the class is just to meet a community college requirement then it probably would be OK to take it on line. Remember that classes taken on line can be more difficult due to the lack of classroom teaching--so you will have to read everything and study harder.

I think one of the main reasons that Universities frown upon on line classes is that it is hard to prove who really did the work and they don't want to waste their time and space on you if you don't deserve it.

Q Re: the R&S community and Best answers?

In this category in particular I find that the Q%26amp;A is often either rhetorical or tongue in cheek - both of which are humorous (in different ways) but neither particularly insightful (or insight-seeking). Furthermore there are a number of people that seem to ask questions and pick the "best answer" to be the one that follows their own beliefs. Their choice, of course.

My questions:

1. Do you ever look at a person's choices of "best answers" to infer any innate biases before/after answering a question?

2. If so, how do you distinguish between "best answers" chosen by the Y!A community at large (i.e., votes) vs those chosen by the asker. (There's probably a really easy way right under my nose but I don't know it).

Q Re: the R%26amp;S community and Best answers?myspace games

I will at times ask questions to provoke thinking, and in those instances, I may put them up for a vote so that the most people get a chance to look at them.

I also put things up for a vote when I ask what the "Christian" or "Muslim" line of thinking is, since I'm no longer Christian and only have a passing understanding of Islam

I've been known to choose as best answers those that reflect my own thinking when they've answered a question with more panache or scholarship than others, but I've also chosen best answers those that disagree with my ideas when they're convincing or simply say what's on their mind.

I don't believe it would be helpful to the world if I rewarded answerers who show bigotry, however, and so will not do so in almost every instance.

Q Re: the R%26amp;S community and Best answers?big brother myspace

no i dont have time to worry what everyone is doing but i sometimes check to see if they have a decent profile

decided ques it will say how it was chosen
I spend quite a bit of time looking for my best answer....

only if I feel I am unable to make that choice without being biased in some way , do I put it to the vote....

with the exception of silly questions ... I just allow them to go to the vote

but I dont answer questions based on how someone else chooses

my answer is often not just for the person asking , but for anyone who reads

they can take from it what they wish to

so recieving best answer isnt something i worry about
1. No.

2. If the answer is chosen by voters, it will say so above the best answer.
To time consuming and I couldn't be bothered. I'm not concerned with getting best answers, just giving my views. Best answers chosen by the community are more unbiased I think.
If you notice, if i am correct, I have been on here or 13 months, %26amp; I have ask 21 or 22 questions, %26amp; some had to do with health, So I don't have to pick a best answer.
I know what you mean. The questions and answers here are mostly based on people's opinions and/or beliefs.

Alot of folks choose as "best answer" an answer that agrees with their own opinions and/or beliefs...however, I've been chosen as "best" by atheists a couple of times...once, just because I made him smile.

What puzzles me is how the heck anyone could be a "top contributor" in a category like R%26amp;S?

I wonder how Yahoo makes that call??

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