Sunday, December 6, 2009

How do you feel about community service?

What would you do, or feel like if your town made you do 10-15 hours a week in community service. How would you react?

What would your emotions be?

How do you feel about community service?icons for myspace

Well, I suppose that depends on WHY you need to do this community service. Are you asking this question from experience (i.e. you need to do community service because you are a senior graduating and it is part of your graduation requirements or you need to as part of a punishment for a crime) or posing a hypothetical question, in which we should assume that there is NO reason that your town is making you do this service and is mandating it for all citizens? So essentially I'd like to know if the "you" in that question is referring to ONE individual or an individual as well as the entire town? If community service is required as a graduation requirement for school or as a punishment for a crime, then I have no problem.

I also encourage voluntary community service. I believe it is fun and rewarding. I do not condone mindlessly MANDATING community service however. First of all, its an infraction on personal liberty and secondly, it changes the meaning of "community service" which is meant to be voluntary. It would make it lose the "I really wanna help other people because I WANT TO, not because I'm FORCED TO" factor. I suppose I wouldn't be too happy and would fight the motion. At first thought, the idea that this could ever happen seemed silly, but now that I think of it, I can see this law being passed in some little liberal town.

Thank you for posing an interesting question!!! :)

How do you feel about community service?hidden myspace

i feel good of community service because it helps your community and its better for the air, it cleans up pollution, and people respect clean streets, side walks any evry thing
Doing community service is great... if you have the time to do it. It's great to do something for the community to help others. Especially if you are good at something and you can help others better themselves that is a great thing to do!

10-15 hours a week... may be too much especially with my hectic schedule... but it's not a bad idea to do some hours every week maybe during the weekend!

Have fun with it if they make you do it though!
I have volunteered at Animal Control for over 2 years now.I am going to be the volunteer coordinator starting today.

I have always done approx. 25+ hours a week.Most people can't because they have to work in order to support their families.I think it would be a great idea for people who are on government assistance to be earning their keep.

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