Sunday, November 29, 2009

What type of degree do you need to teach at a community college?

Im thinking of becoming a teacher, and Im interested in maybe teaching at a community college. My mom is a professor, but she has a doctorat degree, but my uncle only has a masters and he teaches at a community college. ALSO, what do you think is the best subject to teach at a community college, and is it fun working there? Also, do you make more money rather than working at a high school?

What type of degree do you need to teach at a community college?comment boxes for myspace

IN GENERAL, you need a masters or higher to teach at a community college, and a PhD to teach at a college or university.

What type of degree do you need to teach at a community college?myspace quotes

I have an uncle who teaches at a community college and he has his PhD. He teaches in a social science field.

I think it may depend on the state in which you live. I have a friend who taught at a community college part-time and she has her masters. I think she was teaching business classes.

Go to college websites and look up the job ads to see what qualifications they are seeking. I don't think age matters as much as education and experience.

Good luck. If that's what you want to do then do what you need to do. :-)
in community colleges you need to have a masters degree or u are in progress in finishing it... same goes in universities... masters is the minimum requirement or at least u are already in masters program...
Many people currently teaching at community colleges have masters degrees, but some have PhDs. When community colleges hire, they will accept applications from both, but will often prefer a PhD - they are becoming a bit more selective. It may also depend on the specific field.

Here's a good website that lists which colleges, 4-year and community, are hiring, and what they are looking for in their candidates. Figure out what you might like to teach, and where you might like to live, and find out what community colleges in those areas are looking for.
Definitely a Masters but even community colleges are asking now for people with PhD's. Finish your Masters and try to do it in the field you enjoy.

Then look for the place you would like to be (Texas, California, etc.) and try in the colleges where you would like to teach.

Remember that you can also get your PhD while you are working, and there are many classes that you can take online.

Just have fun with whatever you do.
From what I have seen and heard you have to have or at least be working on your Master's degree as the others have already answered. The one thing they left out is that your master's degree or PhD must be in the subject area you want to teach.

For example, I have a master's degree in Instructional Leadership, but because my master's is not in my subject area I can not teach classes at a community college or university. I hope this helps.

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