Sunday, November 29, 2009

Which is the best online community you like to hang around in? Ytube,sharedtalk, facebook or any oth

just write down any community you like online...

Which is the best online community you like to hang around in? Ytube,sharedtalk, facebook or any others?!? quizzes

personally i really like facebook. myspace is much too time consuming to maintain what with all the html coding and crap like that. facebook is user friendly, easy to set up, and it has lots of interesting applications you can add, like sending free gifts to people and drawing them pictures on the computer. on top of this, the privacy settings are SO much better than most sites. you can choose exactly what you want to hide or allow to be viewed. so rather than hiding your entire profile, you can pick which bits and pieces of it are seen by others.

Which is the best online community you like to hang around in? Ytube,sharedtalk, facebook or any others?!?www myspaces

shoutwire ... youceff forum .. techpowerup forum ..
todaysvoices -

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