Sunday, December 6, 2009

I need some information on how to become a community coordinator.?

I am from a very small community. There is not much going on. The kids and adults don't have anything to do...Especially during the summer. I have always wanted to make a difference in my community. But I don't know where to start or who to talk to or how am I going to get the funds...But I do know what I want to do.

I need some information on how to become a community coordinator.?maps

First, what do you want to do? Build a major league stadium, it isn't going to happen. Have regular pickup baseball games, you can do it tomorrow. There is no school for coordinating. It mainly consists of enthusiasm. If there is something you want to do, start doing it. You have to have a plan - how is it going to work. How many people do you need TO START. You may want to have everyone involved but start small, it is the way of the world. Dell Computer started in a dorm room closet. Once you have your plan, AND YOUR ENTHUSIASM, find people who want to join you in your activity. Try to do it as cheaply as possible. You don't need new stuff, most programs start with old or discarded stuff. When we started the radio station at my college, we used the equipment that one of the commercial stations was going to throw out. It worked fine for us. You're not competing - just get the absolutely minimum you need. If things go well, it will grow. So, decide what stuff you need, and where to get it cheap or for free. Once you are on your way to making something happen, then you can ask for donations from local enterprises. If you need 1 can of paint the local hardware store will probably give it to you. If you want $500 worth of stuff, they probably won't. At least not until you have shown some results, then it can grow. If you cannot get things used or donated, you can ask the people who are going to participate in your program to pay their fair share. As long as your not trying to make money off them, and they enjoy what you are planning, they should be willing to help. Then you can ask the various local governments, but that is an entire book.

Probably as important as anything else - DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK - the worst that can happen is that someone will say no, but if you don't ask the answer is always no. Further, most people will be nice, even if they have to say no. Expect them to say no (but be positive), then if they say yes you will be happy and if they say no, it is what you expected. It never hurts to ask and you will be surprised at how often people will say yes. If you are trying to do something for the community not just for yourself, you WILL find support for almost any reasonable project.

So, to start, plan your program, WRITE down everything you will need, how much it will cost, who you expect to participate, and why they will want to do it. Then start talking to the people you expect to participate, if you get many of them excited about the project, then you have a team to help with the work and finding the stuff you need. If it is a good idea, and you are an enthusiastic salesman, then your program will happen. But you have to start doing the work with no promise of success or reward, but a ton of enthusiasm. New projects are started everyday. There is no reason why yours can't be one of them.

I can't be more specific, because you said nothing about your project, so everything here is general advice which will work for most projects. Of course, when you first start to talk about the project, you will find out if it is illegal or there is some other insurmountable problem, but then just think up a new project.

Good luck

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