Sunday, December 6, 2009

Would you give back to a community that treated you horrifically?

A good hearted person had been talked about so horrifically because he/she had speech problem and a communication disability. The people in the (black, gay, or art) community called him/her retarded, crazy, slow, stupid, hard-headed, and dumb. They made fun of him/her and tell people lies and misunderstanding information about that person. This person is intellegent and a good artist. He/she became popular in months and had a following all over. Some praised him/her for his/she efforts. In addition, an e-mail saying that he/she made their 2006 year happy because of his/her talent. The artist(he/she) is giving something back to those who appreciate them, but the ones that talk about him/her still see him/her as a nobody. No matter how good he/she is. The putdown names does stings a little, but not alot to him/her because he/she got love elsewhere for him/her to give back, but he/she has a hard time to do give back to those who treated him/her like garbage.

Would you give back to a community that treated you horrifically? widgets

It would depend on what you mean by "give back". If I could give back by teaching (or paying for teaching) their children to abandon the biases they have learned, yes. If giving back would only serve to promote their biases, no.

Would you give back to a community that treated you horrifically?hack into myspace

Only to the few individuals who may have started me in my career--or trained me in my talent. The others can hold their breath waiting for even a nice word from someone they treated so poorly.

I know that you are supposed to forgive and forget--but you are saying that some people are STILL bad-mouthing this individual. No, the individual should give to another community--one that treated him or her well--or to a favorite charity.
Be kind, be courteous and smile.

Nothing aggravates bullies more than nicing them to death.

Trust me on this one, the nicer you are the more frustrated they become. And who needs negative people anyway?

Get famous enough and they'll trip over themselves just to kiss your butt.

Then you'll laugh!
Always forgive... (or try your hardest too) Give back regardless of circumstance. For One day foregiveness will be asked by them... and God will be their judge.
Ouch! was the old reaction, funny thing happened going through with life. wounds were healing from those vicious bites, They did not get what their hammer came to crack. they did not get my life. I kept the most valuable part , protecting it with all the life remaining in me. Now it is my turn to turn around and face those who beat me to the ground. I am back, empty of hate , you tried to beat yourself into me , all the room inside had been knocked out of place, except the room full of Gods Grace. There is more to say and that I will, but not on top of Capital Hill. Here I am, standing still, you could not knock me off this will.
you don't throw your pearls to swines
it's hard the way you put it. it is good that there are still those who knows how to appreciate. they say we grow in adversity. i believe we flourish more in positive environments.

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