Sunday, December 6, 2009

What defines your sense of community?

I want to better understand the nature of community in the modern world, whether that is driven by interests or geography etc and what mechanism (if any) is used to facilitate it.

What defines your sense of community?pimp myspace

My comminity is the village where i live.

The bonus of living in a village is that you generally get to know a lot of the people.

The village fete, village shop and the village pub are normally the key factors for facilitation.

What defines your sense of community?stars myspace

Money first community .Swearing, drugs /alcohol abusers
For what it's worth, my sense of community (i.e. the groups that I identify with) is largely defined by traditional social groupings like my family, religion, ethnicity, gender, and nationality. However, I think the nature of "community" in the modern world is changing as the social groupings which have traditionally defined the individual's sense of community have begun to change. As geographic distance, cultural isolation, and barriers to communication between disparate groups of people are minimized or neutralized by technologies like television or the internet , individuals are more apt to realize their commonality and create virtual "communities" across cultures, national borders, etc.

As for the mechanims for transmitting a sense of community, I would surmise that those mechanisms are very much dependant on which society an individual is a member of? For an individual living in a society that is relatively technologically advanced, I would think that socialization into "communities" would probably occur through media such as television, the internet, educational and political institutions, etc. Alternatively, for more traditional societies, socialization of the individual might occur through "elders" who are charged with imparting and policing the community's standards of behavior, values, religious beliefs.

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