Sunday, November 29, 2009

How to bring a celtic wiccan change to an all Christian community?

I am 17, and I practice magick. I am also wiccan, but I live in a small community that doesn't believe in the art of "witchcraft", I know that there are a few people in my community that are wiccan. I just want to know how to start a coven, and how to open a change of faith in to my community. Serious answers please! Thank you!

How to bring a celtic wiccan change to an all Christian community?myspace songs

I hear you. Being solitary is tough, particularly when your beliefs are important to you and you want to connect with people.

So what to do?

Well, start putting energy into finding others who will be the right fit for you. Now take a minute to look at what I’m saying. You want to call others to you when the time is right and that will be right for you to be with. This way you are not forcing anything or manipulating anyone against their will. So there will be no karmic backlash.

A good phrase to work by is, “When it is right let it happen.”

There are some great lessons to be learned in solitary practice. Take this time to let Mom be your teacher. Spend time outdoors looking at the patterns in nature. Learn about the plants in your area. Listen to the birds. What can you learn about their calls and how they communicate? Plant an herb garden. Listen to the wind, watch clouds, and learn about the weather. Gosh, there is so much cool stuff Mom can teach you and there will be plenty of time for coven work. Believe it or not the stuff you can learn from her is far more cool then anything in a book of spells. Let her be your teacher and lover during this season.

The coven thing will happen. Just don’t try and force it. That usually makes a mess.

Blessed Be


How to bring a celtic wiccan change to an all Christian community? blog

You are too young to start your own coven. If you can't find a coven to join, or are not brave enough to ride around town with your Goddess bumper stickers, you may just have to stay solitary til you can find what you're looking for.

You will NOT change your community's faith, believe me. It is strictly forbidden to even try.............. you know that right?
Sounds like the best first step is to talk to the other Wiccans in your community. Evangelism isn't needed in Wicca, but getting together to form a coven is certainly a good idea, if they're interested.
don't know, but sounds like fun.
Just be and let be child. Do not fall into the trap of trying to force your views. You have your own path and they have theirs. Others of like mind will be drawn into your circle and it will grow.
You have no ideas what you are getting into... this is dangerous territory! You think you will get power, and all that comes with witchcraft. But you fail to recognize that the devil you want to serve with your life is a lower power. The greater power is God who happened to create Satan. Why choose to serve the lower and be a slave to him when you can serve the greatest of all who is the creater or all and who is the Almighty One? God loves you more than you know and wants you to know Him in a personal way. That's why He sents us Jesus, His only son, to die just for you. He loved you that much. If you want real magic in your life, serve Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit fill you with His power. It will outshine anything that Satan, wiccans or majgicians have to offer you.... There a real Christians who know the real power of God, who pray and get their prayers answered, who see miracles and healings, and its not phoney. Find a Pentecostal /Charismatic church and talk to the pastor. He will help you!
Why don't you just cast a spell and make other people join you?
Do you mean that none of your friends are wiccan?

If you've even got one or two of them that are, that's what I would limit myself to working with. A lot of folks get caught up in the idea of having a working coven of 13 and so forth, but far more important is just having a small group of people that you trust and care for to worship, celebrate, and work with.

When you say that you know a few people in your community are wiccan, do you mean that "statistically there are bound to be a few" or do you actually know who these people are? If so, and if you have any reason to trust these people, you might want to talk with them. (Remember, just because people are the same or a similar religion doesn't mean that you'll like them or have good reason to trust them)

And in all things, blessings.

What a nutjob.

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