Sunday, November 29, 2009

Should i go to a Community college, then transfer to a university...or go to university directly? really confused because no one in my family has gone to college in the united states. Im a senior and doing very well academically. I'm in the top 3% of my class and im taking 3 AP college courses, and the rest honors classes.

I plan on studying medicine, and eventually becoming a pediatrician.

So...should i go to community college first, then transfer to UF or should I apply to UF directly?

What are the pros and cons of each option?

Should i go to a Community college, then transfer to a university...or go to university directly?maps

your best bet is to go straight to a university... often if you go to a community college, your credits will not transfer properly. also, especially considering your academic status, it will look much better to a potential employer that you went straight to and graduated from a university.

Should i go to a Community college, then transfer to a university...or go to university directly?myspace graphics

You should go straight to University if you are able to handle the emotional changes that will be thrown your way. You sound like you will be academically competitive, but if you can't handle the social aspect of a University then you may want to try Community College first.
i say college first then uni so at least u'd have some common experience... it's easier that way..... personally i wouldn't be able to handle uni right out of high school.. hey if u have the option of transfering why gonna get myself to college n then transfer to uni(most programs allow that but not all)..but do whatever you feel is right... good luck with your decision!
If you are in the top 3%...then I would personally go to a University. That's quite good.

But what it will come down to is what you feel comfortable with.
You'll save money if you go to a Community college and get all of your general ed classes out of the way and then transfer over to a university. That's what I did! Good for you and good luck!
Apply to UF, and a couple others, too. Reach as high as you can. You can always go to CC and you might get a really good opportunity that you wouldn't otherwise have.
Apply to UF directly bcause that is less money on your behalf and they may give you a full scholarship now.

Dont do it if you are not metally prpared for such a hard curriculum like UF.
If your community college has a good reputation than I would go there first mainly because it's cheaper. You can then transfer to a state university. Otherwise, go straight to the University.
I really think you should take advantage of your smarts and go straight to university. Most people go to college because of the career they want to go into (i.e fireman,plumber etc.)
well first of all you should apply to both so you can have a choice later. Second, it really depends on you and your situation. community college is cheaper so if money is a problem then you should go to community college first. personally i would go straight to university. Thats what i'm doing right now. I just started my first year at UTEP and i gotta say i am liking it. Plus you save yourself the trouble of transferring credits and other technical problems like that. good luck on your choice
You should definitely go to a 4yr college directly. A community college is usually for students who did not do too well in high school, and they need the chance to raise their grades to get into a better school. A 4 yr college looks so much better than a community college on your resume. Go to UF directly!
your very smart so i would say go to university.

most people want the college expirences im sure you would prefer that. but if arent comfortable with leaving home then stay. also if money is a problem then go to a community college.
I am in community college. The cost is cheaper, the classes are just as hard as they would be at a 4 year school, and when I graduate, I am automatically a junior; I think this route is perfect for less than stellar high school students, or people who are older and are only just beginning college.

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