Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is going to church considered community service?

There is this guy who started coming to my church out of the blue by himself. He is young, about 20. I'm attracted to him, but everyone in my family keeps joking around that he is only coming to church for community service for jail. I don't think this is true, but could it be?

Is going to church considered community service?top 10 myspace

No attendance merely is not community service. Now if the church sponsors a soup kitchen one day a week for the homeless and he helps out with this project the church is sponsoring, then during that time, he is doing community service. And he might not be able to participate in the weekly soup kitchen without attending church, sometimes that is a condition for working in the service project. He might be attending because he is working his own program. Many 21 step programs insist one find a way to change ones life. You say he has had some criminal law issues. If you are attracted to him, why not speak with him directly, If he is turing his life around, then be encouraging. Many a wrong choiced young man turns out to be the perfect husband. He has been there and does not want to go back. Good luck

Is going to church considered community service? widgets

I think not............
ha ha i think they are just joking with you your funny
no....just talk to him and dnt wrry bout your fam. They not interested into him lik are! so do wat you do!
its not unless he is an altar server. or helps collect cash. or helps the preist
Maybe community work through the church or organized by the church, sure, but not just attending services I wouldn't think. That would be an easy way out.
no it isnt.
That is a new one! Never heard of that type of community service........................
No, not unless he helps out watching little kids in Sunday school or something. But just going to church isn't considered community service.
I don't think so? But maybe.Or he could be just a nice guy.
i think that its only considered community service, if he's actually helping at the church. if he's just attending- well then, i don't think so.
its a community dis-service if you ask me, first with the bells at 8am on weekeends, and then its okay for you people to park where ever the crap you want but when i do it, YOU call the tow truck.

So what if it is true, if you like him you like him. No church doesnt count as comm. service but if he was not going before he got into trouble and has now started there are people who would argue it makes him look truly "redeemed".
You can NOT go to church to fulfill community service sentences in my state, and I doubt you can in any state of the U.S. I'd be careful, but you can certainly talk to this young man, and welcome him to church, and then you can ask him 'details' about himself, including why he decided to go to that church ... if he's okay, then you may ask him out for a coffee, and maybe he'll ask you out on a 'real date' when you're having that coffee.
Actually, Its not, but it can appeal to be Community Service if he helps out in the Church building and helps the Church Community in Any way, Then that will be Community service. But if he is just going to Church and doing nothing but Worshiping, then he is not doing Community service.

P.S.- Be careful around him if u are going into a relationship. (sry i know it none of my business but just be cautious around. *since he is a ex con*)
Change your church to one that welcomes newcomers, then you would know
In short, he could twist it and say yes that's comm service,but ,probably that's not the case.. Even Young people look or need spirituality or god in their lives with out any pushing from anyone ..
Legally, no. However, morally its up to you.
I fail to see how one going to church and sitting in a pew listening to gospel as doing a community service for anyone in anyway. Now cleaning the church may be. I think someone is doing more than community service in your congregation. lol
i don't think so,.....after all, what kind of community service is that??,.....
no not at all. comm. service is doing a service(work) for a church,the city or town,parks,charities,etc...(any place that the public goes to or uses.
No, he could not get credit for community service hours just by attending church. He would have to provide some type of service or do some type of work to benefit the church ie. mow the lawn, maintenance jobs, volunteer work, etc.
Generally, just going to services would not be community service.

Normally you have to actually serve someone or something. Now if he was showing up to serve meals to the poor at the church soup kitchen, that might be community service.

What's up with your family? Why aren't they welcoming someone new into the church instead of making jokes behind his back? He may move on to another church soon!

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