Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm going to a community college, but i want out.I only need 16 more hours for a associative.Sh

Should i stay because i only need 16 more hours and go ahead and get the degree here or should i go to a real college and get a degree there because it is more appealing than a degree from a community college. Keep in mind this is only for a associates.

I'm going to a community college, but i want out.I only need 16 more hours for a associative.Should i stay?my myspace

An AS is an AS. The tuition at a JC is probably less that a 4YI, and if it is accredited, your credits will transfer. It's your choice, so don't do anymore than you can afford.

I'm going to a community college, but i want out.I only need 16 more hours for a associative.Should i stay?myspace bulletins

Go to the real college, the associates degree is meaningless.
yes any associates is better than none on a resume. Even if other colleges don't accept it, it still can get you through some of the beginnner classes.
Go 2 a real college. 4 get about it.
If you are going on to get a 4 year degree then the associates doesn't really help you any. What you have to check is which classes will transfer where you are going. Sometimes there are advantages to getting the associates and sometimes there are advantages of going straight to the 4 year college. The key is which classes will transfer.
Stay and get your associates. Later if you want you can transfer all of your credits to a 4 year college to earn a bachelors degree. Many 4 year colleges require you to earn a certain # of credits from them before they will grant you a degree. You may end up having to take more than the 16 credits you have left to get a degree from. It's better to stay where you are and finish.
I would switch up and go to regular college. But make sure you take all your core classes before you leave! You have to do what will give you the best end result.
Complete your associates at the community college, then transfer those credits to an accredited university and get your Bachelors or Masters or PHD there. Hang in matter how long it takes you it will be well worth the reward.
For the sake of 16 hours?????

Stay %26amp; finish, THEN move on!

In the unlikely event you fail in the future, you will at least be able to prove you can see things through to the end.....
why in the world would you get out now when your almost done i mean 16 hours is really not that much just get it done with you will feel so much better about it once your done then you will also feel like you have accomplished something
If the associates is meaningless (as the first answerer said), get it cheaply and then go to the more expensive college for your real classes. I would check with the college I wanted to got to for the next 2 years and make sure that all my credits transferred
Stick it out and get the associate's degree.

1. It shows employers that you have dedication and perserverance.

2. If something happens and you can't go to a four year college, you will at least have the associate's degree, which is better than nothing.

3. It is easier to transfer an associate's degree than being short credits when you do go to the four year college.
Associative is not Meaningless it will get you anywhere that is what i am going for i am not even in college yet and i am going to a community college! I think that you should stay with it NO matter what you think is wrong with the classes or even if you have only 16 hours get them over a done with! dont listen to the first person!!!! just kidding! but i think you really should stick with it and finish it you will get far with that assciates degree!! four year colleges look for people like you!
It's a lot cheaper to get your first two years at a community college than a regular college. Meanwhile you have an associate degree and you transfer to the regular college and your resume says your degree is from the regular college.

You can also take clep exams to get your degree faster.
You can get 16 hours in one semester. If you stay and finish it up you'll always have the associates. Much better than nothing. Who knows what will happen later, you might go to a real college and decide you hate it. Or have to quit for other reasons.
DO NOT FORGET ABOUT IT. everything counts. if u forget about it then you'll have to worry about starting anew and if another college will accept Ur credits u have already received from the community college. get Ur associates, then go on to a 4yr. you basically cant do anything without at least a bachelors anyway these days. do not let it go. u have earned it and only have less than 24hrs which is the same as a day to finish. think of it that way. only les than a days worth of time.....good luck!
It depends on what the degree is in and why you are wanting to quit.

If you are totally unhappy and not getting anything out of the community college courses and there isn't a job you can get on the two yr degree, then maybe you should quit. Why throw money away when you are miserable where you are?

If you are doing okay but a little bored and there are jobs you can get with the two year associates degree - take a semester off and then go finish it. A little break might do you a world of good. But you should go for the two year degree so you can work in that field while you are attending the four yr college. Or gain experience if you aren't ready to go to a four year college right away.

If you are just thinking you are in the wrong major, talk to one of the school counselors and see if any of the credits you've already earned will transfer easily into another major.
This might depend somewhat on what you career field of choice is. I would never say any associates degree is totally worthless, rather that its only worthless if you don't make every effort to use it. Sure, if you can afford the bigger, better college, go for it. Good Luck...
two year degree

can help get foot into good companies,

nothing is meaningless

re education...
finish your 16 hours and then transfer to a 4 year college. I would ask yourself if you are afraid of something?

I knew of some people that dropped out on their last semester and never went back to finish their degree. They had FEAR written all over them.

I went to a community college, got my AA, then transfered to a 4 year college. Now I have my Masters degreee. It was well worth it.
Go to a real college. Nobody will care about your associates., now days you will likely need to go on and get a masters

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