Sunday, November 29, 2009

Should i go to a community college for 2 years then transfer to a 4 year university or not???

I am a senior in high school. I want to go to a big university for all 4 years, but my mother wants me to attend a small community college for 2 years then go to a 4 year college for financial reasons. Will this financial option ruin my future?

Should i go to a community college for 2 years then transfer to a 4 year university or not???myspace co

No, it won't ruin your future. In fact, some studies show that students who attend a community college and then transfer to a 4 year graduate at a slightly higher rate and with a slightly higher GPA than someone who attends a single 4-year university

Also, if you concentrate upon your general ed at community college, you may find that your interests change and you find your major changing. That may well change what 4-year you want to attend.

In California, if you attend a community college and then transfer, you need to take less general ed courses than if you attend a Cal State. This allows much more flexibility in what courses you take. It might be the same in your location.

If you do well in community college, you might be able to get a scholarship to finish off at 4 year [A friend of mine got a free ride to USC on the basis of his community college grades]

It is a lot cheaper.

If you live at home while at CC, you can get used to the college classes and the general change in environment without having to manage living in a dorm (with random room-mates and extra expenses).

Should i go to a community college for 2 years then transfer to a 4 year university or not???myspace jokes

To my understanding it is cheaper to go to a 2 year college for any basic courses first. Than transferring to a 4 year college. I don't think it will ruin your future at all.
No, not at all- and it is easier to switch majors when you switch schools... Somewhere back in the 80s, going to a community college changed and it is not viewed as a weakness. But if you want to get to a good 4 year school, work hard to keep your grades up and talk with a guidance counselor to make sure the classes you take are transferable
No.. in order to have a better future I will not surrender in many difficulties and trials in life,... For me this serves as trials that I can overcome, I can apply to many organizations and can be a working students or being an S.A. to supply my financial needs in order to studies in universities.

I wilL do my best and exert my best effort in order to finish my study and obtain my goal because all problems have a solution and all trials may overcome if I am will pushed hard and also in the help of God.

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